The Welsh Assembly Member for Aberconwy - Janet Finch-Saunders AM - has today (22 April) called for North Wales manufacturers, with the capability to produce personal protective equipment (PPE), to step forward and make themselves known.
The Member is collating details as she urges the Welsh Government to task Welsh firms with the required ramp-up in production needed. Manufacturers would have to comply with Health & Safety Executive regulations on PPE, with the final product requiring approval from the local health board.
Yesterday, the Welsh Health Minister Vaughan Gething AM told a news conference there was only sufficient stock of all items to last for "a few days."
Her calls come as Sir Martin Evans, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist and former chancellor of Cardiff University, has now asked that ‘every resource should be mustered against coronavirus.’ Sir Evan also claimed that, despite writing to to the First Minister and Welsh Health Minister about his concerns, he has received no response other than an acknowledgement of receipt of his letter.
Commenting on the situation, Janet said:
“I am asking for any North Wales manufacturer with the capability to turn their production line over to PPE production, to contact my office as a matter of urgency.
“North Wales has an incredible array of hardworking and adaptable manufacturing companies, who wish to contribute to the Welsh response to COVID-19. Together, we can step up to the plate and produce PPE for our front-line staff.
“The recent revelations about PPE stock by the Welsh Government reveal grave and worrying pitfalls in the current chain of supply. We must continue to do everything within our power to help protect front-line health and social care staff.
“I urge the Welsh Government to set about tasking these brilliant and adaptable firms with PPE production. We are on a war-like footing, and I am confident that Welsh businesses can step up to the plate.
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