Last night, 21/11/2024 the prestigious Go North Wales Tourism Awards were held at Venue Cymru.
The Drinks Reception was sponsored by Wild Horse Brewing Co, and money was raised for Marie Curie North and Mid Wales.
Speaking after the event, Janet said:
“It was an absolutely phenomenal event which highlighted the best of tourism and hospitality.
“All at Go North Wales should be extremely proud.
“This comes at a time when the tourism and hospitality sector are facing many challenges and pressures, not least of which are higher energy prices, increased food cost, staff shortages, all of which have been compounded by Welsh and UK Government policies.
“Decrease in business rate relief, the forthcoming tourism tax, and the 182-day rule, prove that the Welsh Labour Government is not on the side of businesses.
“I will continue to scrutinise and challenge in order to support this vital industry which is so important to Aberconwy and North Wales. I thank Jim Jones, Glenn Evans, and all at Go North Wales, for their leadership in this industry.”
Neithiwr, 21/11/2024, cynhaliwyd Gwobrau Twristiaeth Go North Wales yn Venue Cymru.
Noddwyd y Derbyniad Diodydd gan Wild Horse Brewing Co, a chodwyd arian ar gyfer Marie Curie Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru.
Wrth siarad ar ôl y digwyddiad, dywedodd Janet:
"Roedd yn ddigwyddiad hollol anhygoel a ddaeth â’r goreuon o faes twristiaeth a lletygarwch i’n sylw.
"Dylai pob un yn Go North Wales fod yn hynod falch.
"Daw hyn ar adeg pan fo'r sector twristiaeth a lletygarwch yn wynebu llawer o heriau a phwysau, sy’n cynnwys prisiau ynni uwch, costau bwyd uwch, prinder staff, ac ar ben hynny mae polisïau Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU wedi ychwanegu at effaith pob un o’r rhain.
"Mae gostyngiad mewn rhyddhad ardrethi busnes, y dreth dwristiaeth sydd ar ddod, a'r rheol 182 diwrnod, yn profi nad yw Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn cefnogi busnesau.
"Byddaf yn parhau i graffu a herio er mwyn cefnogi'r diwydiant hanfodol hwn sydd mor bwysig i Aberconwy a’r Gogledd. Diolch i Jim Jones, Glenn Evans, a phawb yn Go North Wales, am eu harweinyddiaeth yn y diwydiant hwn."