Save Welsh Farming / Achub Amaeth Cymru

The future of Welsh farming is under threat by both the UK and Welsh Government. Have your say! 

Mae dyfodol ffermio yng Nghymru dan fygythiad gan Lywodraeth y DU a Chymru. Dyma gyfle i ddweud eich dweud!



Save Welsh Farming / Achub Amaeth Cymru

  • Current Your views on policies that threaten the future of farming / Eich barn ar polisïau sydd yn bygwth dyfodol amaeth
  • Your details
The Budget could result in family farms being sold to pay inheritance tax. Should this change be scrapped? Gall y Gyllideb arwain at ffermydd teuluol yn cael eu gwerthu i dalu treth etifeddiant. A ddylai'r newid gael ei ddileu?
Welsh Government have proposed that 10% of land on farms should be planted with trees. Do you agree? Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cynnig y dylai 10% o dir ffermydd gael eu plannu â choed. Ydych chi'n cytuno?
Bovine TB is having a devastating impact on farms. Should the disease be tackled in both livestock and wildlife? Mae TB buchol yn cael effaith ddinistriol ar ffermydd. A ddylid mynd i'r afael â'r clefyd mewn da byw a bywyd gwyllt?
Welsh Government are stopping farmers from spreading slurry several months of the year. Do you agree? Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn atal ffermwyr rhag gwasgaru slyri sawl mis o'r flwyddyn. Ydych chi'n cytuno?