Llanrwst Show took place on Saturday 24 June 2023, and saw a broad range of competitions, stalls, and displays for all to enjoy.
Alongside cattle, sheep, fur and feather, were tortoises, which caught everybody’s eye!
The event also saw beautiful flowers, arts and crafts, and enough food and drink to feed an army.
The local Member of the Welsh Parliament, Janet Finch-Saunders, was one of the stall holders at the show. Speaking after the event, she said:
“I would like to thank everyone who has made the show a reality again this year. Their efforts were well and truly awarded with the grounds being full of people in the afternoon.
“It was a delight having a stand on the field. Alongside engaging with residents, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the huge convoy of tractors, and visitors from Conwy to Colombia enjoying the day.
“Most importantly, there was something for everyone. I look forward to 2024!”
Cynhaliwyd Sioe Llanrwst ddydd Sadwrn 24 Mehefin 2023, a gwelwyd amrywiaeth eang o gystadlaethau, stondinau ac arddangosfeydd i bawb eu mwynhau.
Ochr yn ochr â gwartheg, defaid, ffwr a phlu, roedd yna grwbanod, a oedd yn ddigon i sioe!
Roedd y digwyddiad hefyd yn cynnwys blodau hardd, celf a chrefft, a digon o fwyd a diod i borthi’r pum mil.
Janet Finch-Saunders, yr Aelod o’r Senedd lleol, oedd un o stondinwyr y sioe. Yn siarad ar ôl y digwyddiad, dywedodd:
"Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at wireddu'r sioe eto eleni. Talodd eu hymdrechion ar eu canfed gyda'r lle yn llawn pobl yn y prynhawn.
"Roedd yn bleser cael stondin ar y cae. Ynghyd â chael sgwrsio â thrigolion, fe wnes i fwynhau gweld y confoi enfawr o dractorau, ac ymwelwyr o Gonwy i Golombia yn mwynhau'r diwrnod.
"Yn bwysicaf oll, roedd rhywbeth at ddant pawb. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at 2024!"