Dear All,
As the Assembly Member for Aberconwy, it is fair to say that I have received many concerns about the voting in of four weekly bin collections going forward in the Conwy County Borough area.
For clarification purposes, and so that nobody is in any doubt, I would like to explain it as I understand this decision was made.
Firstly, and for the record, I am totally opposed to the outcome of this ridiculous proposal, voted through by a majority of just one on Tuesday afternoon.
This silly and ill thought out agenda item originated during the last municipal term, led by a Plaid Cymru, Labour Cabinet (including some Independent and Lib Dem councillors).
I robustly opposed this at the start, and continue to do so to this day and beyond.
This proposal did the rounds, going before Scrutiny and Cabinet twice. On each occasion I strongly rebuked any suggestion of four weekly bin collections, as did my colleague in the Assembly Mr Darren Millar AM.
On Tuesday the Cabinet voted as follows,
One Independent member for.
Three members for, now described on the Council website as (“not a member of any political party group within Conwy County Borough Council,”) But ELECTED as Plaid Cymru members in May 2017.
One Conservative member for.
Four Conservative members, including our Group Leader voted against the proposal, thank you.
This out of a Cabinet made up of 9 individuals.
So, in reality just one vote has secured this dreadful decision.
Darren Miller and I immediately published a joint press release condemning this vote. We shall continue to oppose this until such time it is reversed.
For information there is within the constitution the means to call a special council meeting, with a notice of motion going forward.
This requires the signature of any FIVE elected councillors, meeting to be tabled within 21 days.
With an issue of such importance it is my honest belief, that this should have been an agenda item for all Councillors to stand up, have their say, vote, and be counted - I would also expect for this to be live streamed so that those who are unable to attend are then able to watch the proceedings later.
CCBC do have the facilities to do this, (provided during the last term at a cost of 40k out of the public purse).
Yesterday, I was advised that there is an appetite building for a PUBLIC MEETING to go ahead. All elected Councillors would be invited along to respond to the many queries raised. Other more formal actions are also to be considered.
In the meantime I shall continue to scrutinise and challenge on behalf of those who have elected and placed their trust in me.
That said.......
I do not expect everybody to necessarily agree with my stance, so I am equally prepared to listen and respond to any concerns raised.
Please email me at [email protected]
Thank you for reading.
Janet Finch-Saunders
Assembly Member for Aberconwy.
Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Local Government in the National Assembly for Wales.