Shadow Minister for Local Government, Janet Finch-Saunders AM, has called on the Welsh Government to restore stability to NHS finances in Wales.
Speaking during Plenary, the Assembly Member said: “Over the summer recess I have spent a large amount of time with casework on: delayed appointments; hospital acquired infections; long waiting times and; cancelled operations.
“With £800m in cuts to the NHS over five years, it is no wonder that our health service is in such a mess. The Finance Minister, Jane Hutt AM, must outline both her long term and immediate plans for NHS funding.
“The cuts to our Welsh NHS equate to around £5 every single second. I hope the Minister, and the Welsh Government as a whole, will listen to the people of Wales and bring the NHS’s fiscal house in order."
The Welsh Conservatives have launched an NHS cuts clock - which increases by approximately 5 pounds every second – and continues our campaign to highlight Labour’s record-breaking budget cuts.
You can view it here and the press release is below
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders AC, Gweinidog yr Wrthblaid ar Lywodraeth Leol wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i adfer sefydlogrwydd cyllid y GIG yng Nghymru.
Yn ôl yr Aelod Cynulliad, a oedd yn siarad yn ystod y Cyfarfod Llawn: “Dros wyliau’r haf, rwyf wedi treulio llawer iawn o amser ar waith achos yn ymwneud â gohirio apwyntiadau; heintiau a gafwyd mewn ysbytai; amseroedd aros hirfaith a; llawdriniaethau’n cael eu canslo.
“Gyda £800 miliwn o doriadau i’r GIG dros bum mlynedd, does dim syndod bod ein gwasanaeth iechyd ar ei liniau. Mae’n rhaid i Jane Hutt AC, y Gweinidog Cyllid, amlinellu ei chynlluniau yn y dyfodol agos a’i chynlluniau yn y tymor hir ar gyllido’r GIG.
“Mae’r toriadau i’n GIG yng Nghymru yn cyfateb i tua £5 bob eiliad. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog, a Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei chyfanrwydd, yn gwrando ar bobl Cymru ac yn cael trefn ar gyllid y GIG.”
Mae Ceidwadwyr Cymru wedi lansio cloc toriadau’r GIG - sy’n cynyddu tua £5 bob eiliad - ac sy’n rhan o’n hymgyrch barhaus i dynnu sylw at doriadau Llafur i’r gyllideb, toriadau na welwyd eu tebyg erioed.
Gallwch ei weld yma ac mae’r datganiad i’r wasg isod.