Janet Finch-Saunders, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aberconwy is shocked to learn that the cost of the multi-formative evaluation of the curriculum for Wales has cost close to half a million for 2024/25.
In a response to Mrs Finch-Saunders the Welsh Government disclosed that the cost for 2024/25 amounts to £498,000, covering expenses for research, monitoring, and evaluation. The total cost of the multi-year programme, delivered through a three-year contract, is projected to reach £1.4 million.
Commenting on the news Janet said:
“How on earth can the Welsh Government justify spending £498,000 in 2024-25—and a staggering £1.4 million over three years—on research, monitoring, and evaluation of the Curriculum for Wales when schools across Wales are struggling to pay bills?
“This multi-year programme, detailed in the Curriculum for Wales Annual Report, seems out of touch with the financial pressures facing schools and councils. At a time when communities are feeling the strain of shrinking budgets, shouldn’t this funding be redirected to address urgent local needs?
“It is yet another example of Welsh Government misspend and a complete mis priority!”
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders, Aelod o Senedd Cymru dros Aberconwy wedi cael sioc o glywed bod gwerthusiad aml-ffurfiannol y Cwricwlwm i Gymru wedi costio bron i hanner miliwn ar gyfer 2024/25.
Mewn ymateb i Mrs Finch-Saunders datgelodd Llywodraeth Cymru fod y gost ar gyfer 2024/25 yn £498,000, yn cynnwys treuliau ar gyfer ymchwil, monitro a gwerthuso. Rhagwelir y bydd cyfanswm cost y rhaglen aml-flwyddyn, a gyflwynir trwy gontract tair blynedd, yn cyrraedd £1.4 miliwn.
Wrth sôn am y newyddion dywedodd Janet:
"Sut ar y ddaear all Llywodraeth Cymru gyfiawnhau gwario £498,000 yn 2024-25-a swm anhygoel o £1.4 miliwn dros dair blynedd ar ymchwil, monitro a gwerthuso’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru pan fo ysgolion ledled Cymru yn ei chael hi'n anodd talu biliau?
"Mae'r rhaglen aml-flwyddyn hon, y rhoddir ei manylion yn Adroddiad Blynyddol y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, fel petai’n gwbl anymwybodol o'r pwysau ariannol sy'n wynebu ysgolion a chynghorau. Ar adeg pan fo cymunedau'n dioddef straen cyllidebau prin, oni ddylid ailgyfeirio'r cyllid hwn i ddatrys anghenion lleol brys?
"Mae'n enghraifft arall, eto fyth o Lywodraeth Cymru’n cam-wario a cham-flaenoriaethu’n llwyr!"