Medium-term Financial Planning
Janet Finch-Saunders;2. Will the Minister make a statement on medium-term financial planning arrangements within the Welsh Government finance portfolio? OAQ(4)0407(FIN)
Jane Hutt;Through our financial planning and budget-setting process, we continually assess the potential impact of a range of factors on the Welsh Government’s spending plans, including the likelihood of further cuts to our budget.
Janet Finch-Saunders;Thank you, Minister. Originating from a local authority where we were able to scrutinise the budget process in terms of mid-term financial planning on a regular basis, I do find it somewhat unusual that all Assembly Members are not involved in this particular part of the scrutiny process. As we celebrate 15 years of devolution, is not now the time to ensure that this institution, and all Assembly Members, are empowered to scrutinise the financial workings of the Welsh Government, in a more regular and transparent manner?
Jane Hutt;I certainly look forward to the outcome and the recommendations of the Finance Committee’s very important inquiry into our budget-setting processes, which we indeed discussed this morning.