Janet Finch-Saunders MS has expressed her concern at the latest news regarding the safety of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board’s buildings.
It comes as a report reveals that only 62% of buildings owned by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are "operationally safe”.
BCUHB owns 238 properties across north Wales.
The figure compares to a Wales average of 72%, also below the 90% target.
The report said: "There is a risk that failure to provide a safe and compliant built environment could result in avoidable harm to patients and staff."
Commenting on the report, Janet said:
“I am deeply shocked by the findings of the report.
“For example, at Abergele Hospital, only 15% of the building meets health and safety standards.
“There is a very real risk that patient safety may be compromised by the poor state of many of these buildings.
“At Ysbyty Glan Clwyd alone, the backlog in work is estimated at £37m, and demonstrates the Welsh Government’s neglect of our hospitals.
“The Minister for Health must urgently get a grip of this serious crisis, and ensure that BCUHB has the resources it needs to tackle the huge backlog of maintenance work.
“The Chairman and Acting Chief Executive also have questions to answer as to how they have allowed the situation to reach such a severe state. As it stands, it looks as if there has been very poor management of public facilities”.
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders AS wedi mynegi ei phryder gyda’r newyddion diweddaraf am ddiogelwch adeiladau Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr.
Daeth y newyddion i’r fei wrth i adroddiad ddatgelu mai dim ond 62% o'r adeiladau sy'n eiddo i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr sy'n "weithredol ddiogel".
Mae BIPBC yn berchen ar 238 eiddo ledled y Gogledd.
Mae'r ffigur yn cymharu â chyfartaledd Cymru o 72%, ac mae hefyd yn is na'r targed o 90%.
Dywedodd yr adroddiad: "Mae yna risg y gallai methu â darparu amgylchedd adeiledig diogel sy'n cydymffurfio arwain at niwed y gellid ei osgoi i gleifion a staff."
Wrth sôn am yr adroddiad, dywedodd Janet:
"Mae canfyddiadau'r adroddiad wedi fy syfrdanu'n fawr.
"Er enghraifft, yn Ysbyty Abergele, dim ond 15% o'r adeilad sy'n bodloni safonau iechyd a diogelwch.
"Mae yna risg wirioneddol y gallai diogelwch cleifion gael ei beryglu gan gyflwr gwael llawer o'r adeiladau hyn.
"Yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ei hun, amcangyfrifir bod yr ôl-groniad mewn gwaith yn £37m, ac mae'n dangos esgeulustra Llywodraeth Cymru o'n hysbytai.
"Rhaid i'r Gweinidog Iechyd fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng difrifol hwn ar unwaith, a sicrhau bod gan BIPBC yr adnoddau sydd eu hangen arno i gyflawni’r llwyth enfawr o waith cynnal a chadw.
"Mae gan y Cadeirydd a'r Prif Weithredwr Dros Dro gwestiynau i'w hateb hefyd o ran sut maen nhw wedi caniatáu i'r sefyllfa gyrraedd cyflwr mor ddifrifol. Fel mae pethau, mae'n edrych fel petai’r cyfleusterau cyhoeddus wedi’u rheoli’n wael iawn".