Janet Finch-Saunders, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aberconwy is deeply concerned about the state of access to dermatology appointments in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
After a recent investigation, it has been discovered that certain constituents are experiencing significantly prolonged waiting times to see a dermatology consultant. One individual informed Janet that they have been waiting for over 19 months to see a consultant.
As previously noted, the Betsi Health Board is facing immense pressure with extensive waiting lists across multiple departments and specialties, severe shortages of staff, and substantial backlogs.
However, there are serious concerns that the Health Board is unable to fulfil its duty to the people of North Wales with primary and secondary care falling through the cracks on a regular basis.
Commenting on the news Janet said:
“It is heart-breaking to see our Health Board under such strain. The state of health care in North Wales is still going from bad to worse with people waiting longer and longer for care.
“I know of individuals facing waits as long as 5 years to see a Consultant Dermatologist. That is a disgrace.
“Having raised the dermatology crisis with the Health Secretary, Eluned Morgan MS, it seems that the Welsh Government are all out of solutions. Their solution of expanding access to consultant dermatologists is to get GPs to expand their clinical input to ‘deliver additional minor operations and triage capacity’.
“This idea is lacklustre and impractical. As if GPs who are already stretched to breaking point can be expected to pick up the mantle here and supplement the job of trained specialists. GPs must be allowed to focus on supporting the general medical needs of their community and not be put off from referring patients to the specialists that they so clearly need.
“The Welsh Government need to get a grip of the situation immediately. Betsi Health Board is practically on its knees and trivial suggestions like asking GPs to step in shows a complete lack of understanding and foresight.
“The solutions I have asked for include cooperating with hospitals in North West England, or private providers, with the costs, of course, to be met by the Welsh NHS, and in particular the failing North Wales health board.”
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders, yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros Aberconwy, yn bryderus iawn ynghylch cyflwr mynediad at apwyntiadau dermatoleg ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr.
Ar ôl ymchwiliad diweddar, darganfuwyd bod rhai etholwyr yn wynebu amseroedd aros hir iawn i weld ymgynghorydd dermatoleg. Dywedodd un unigolyn wrth Janet ei fod wedi bod yn aros am dros 19 mis i weld meddyg ymgynghorol.
Fel y nodwyd yn flaenorol, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr yn wynebu pwysau aruthrol gyda rhestrau aros hirfaith ar draws adrannau ac arbenigeddau di-ri, prinder staff difrifol, ac ôl-groniadau sylweddol.
Fodd bynnag, mae pryderon difrifol nad yw'r Bwrdd Iechyd yn gallu cyflawni ei ddyletswydd i bobl y Gogledd gyda gofal sylfaenol ac eilaidd yn cael eu hanwybyddu yn rheolaidd.
Wrth sôn am y newyddion dywedodd Janet:
"Mae'n dorcalonnus gweld ein Bwrdd Iechyd dan y fath straen. Mae cyflwr gofal iechyd yn y Gogledd yn dal i fynd o ddrwg i waeth gyda phobl yn aros yn hirach ac yn hirach am ofal.
"Rwy'n gwybod am unigolion sy'n wynebu arosiadau cyhyd â 5 mlynedd i weld Dermatolegydd Ymgynghorol. Mae hynny'n warthus.
"Ar ôl crybwyll yr argyfwng dermatoleg gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Iechyd, Eluned Morgan AS, mae'n ymddangos nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw atebion. Mae’n ymddangos mai eu hateb i ehangu mynediad at ddermatolegwyr ymgynghorol yw cael meddygon teulu i ehangu eu mewnbwn clinigol i 'ddarparu mân lawdriniaethau a chapasiti brysbennu ychwanegol'.
"Mae'r syniad hwn yn un diddim ac yn anymarferol. Ni ellir disgwyl i feddygon teulu sydd eisoes o dan bwysau enfawr ysgwyddo’r baich ac ategu gwaith arbenigwyr hyfforddedig. Mae'n rhaid caniatáu i feddygon teulu ganolbwyntio ar gefnogi anghenion meddygol cyffredinol eu cymuned a dylent fedru teimlo rhwydd hynt i gyfeirio cleifion at yr arbenigwyr angenrheidiol.
"Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gael trefn ar y sefyllfa ar unwaith. Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi ar ei liniau i bob diben ac mae awgrymiadau diddim fel gofyn i feddygon teulu gamu i'r adwy yn dangos diffyg dealltwriaeth a blaengynllunio.
"Mae'r atebion yr ydw i wedi gofyn amdanyn nhw’n cynnwys cydweithredu ag ysbytai yng Ngogledd Orllewin Lloegr, neu ddarparwyr preifat, gyda'r costau, wrth gwrs, i'w talu gan GIG Cymru, ac yn enwedig bwrdd iechyd aneffeithiol Gogledd Cymru."