Survey: Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont Bus Service / Gwasanaeth Bws Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont

Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont Bus Service / Gwasanaeth Bws Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont

Dolgarrog and Tal y Bont Shuttle Service

  • Current Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont Bus Service / Gwasanaeth Bws Dolgarrog & Tal-y-Bont
  • Your details
Is the shuttle service important to you? Ydy'r bws wennol yn bwysig i chi?
How does the lack of service impact you? (Tick all that apply) / Sut mae'r diffyg gwasanaeth yn effeithio chi? (Ticiwch bob un opsiwn sy'n berthnasol)
The ability to retrieve medication, attend appointments, receive care from support staff / Y gallu i nol meddyginiaeth, mynychu apwyntiadau, a derbyn gofal gan staff cymorth.
To see friends, family, loved ones / I weld ffrindiau, teulu, anwyliaid
Food shopping / Siopa bwyd