Janet Finch-Saunders
1. Will the First Minister make a statement on tackling rural crime? OAQ(5)0692(FM)
The First Minister
Yes. We work closely with Welsh police forces, Natural Resources Wales and local authorities to prevent and tackle rural crime and to help make people feel safer both at home and in public places.
Janet Finch-Saunders
Thank you, First Minister. Rural crime, of course, costs the rural economy over £2 million each year. In north Wales, we have a very hard-working rural crime team, working with other agencies, but they estimate that 75 per cent of their workload is related to livestock crime. In three years, 2,000 sheep have been killed in 400 separate dog attacks. They tackle vehicle theft, rural business theft, as well as badger baiting and animal abuse. Will you endorse with me here today and support the excellent work carried out by the north Wales rural crime team and pledge your support, and any additional resources that might be available, for their sterling work going forward?
The First Minister
Bearing in mind that policing is not devolved and, therefore, funding largely comes from the Home Office, but I can say that, of course, we support the team. The Cabinet Secretary met with the team on 15 June and received an update on the scale of the issues, the response that they had put in place, and also the work ongoing to change the law at a UK level.